Thyme recipes
Thyme recipes

thyme recipes

This will help to preserve the herb and should help it last for up to 2 weeks! Then, place the paper towel inside a sandwich baggie and refrigerate. To extend the shelf life, wrap thyme sprigs in a damp paper towel.

#Thyme recipes how to

And as a bonus, bees love it! how to store thyme But, its low maintenance characteristics make it a favorite among gardeners. It can take up to three months just for the seeds to germinate. Unlike other herbs, this one grows particularly slowly. It also does well whether grown outside or indoors in a windowsill herb garden. In fact, it’s a low-maintenance herb that many find to be a great addition to their home gardens! Because it doesn’t require much water to grow, it can be neglected and still thrive. However, today you’ll find it grown and harvested worldwide, including in the states. Thyme originally comes from the Mediterranean region. Its subtleness makes it great for adding to soups, veggie dishes, potatoes, plant-based meats, and more. You’ll likely find that it tastes earthy with a sort of lemony tinge. Thyme is like parsley in that its flavor is subtle, yet it makes a difference when added to dishes. The leaves are small and affixed to the stems in little bunches, making it a full plant that looks like a cute little bouquet of herbs.

thyme recipes

This herb is a twig-looking one that features a brown stem (unlike other herbs’ green stem). Because unlike the oreganos and cilantros of the world, thyme just doesn’t get as much attention. Today, we’re breaking down thyme and its uses. And it’s one that takes some practice! Cilantro with this, dill with that… what about thyme? To know off the top of your head which herbs will work with which flavors, well it’s a skill. There’s an art to using herbs in cooking. Everything you need to know about the herb thyme, from how to use and store it to all of its many health benefits!

Thyme recipes